woensdag 22 september 2010

Malta is so in my head right now that I completey forgot to talk about poker in my last post lol.

The games are going guite well at the moment, I'm up way above the goal I've set for these next two weeks so therefore no complaints.
I'm feeling well, eating a bit better and playing well so I'm sure I can hit my goal for the end of the month.

I haven't played as much as I wanted to yesterday because I went out to but some sporting clothes and a new mp3 player. As soon as I got home I had to test out the new products off course so decided to go for a run. I knew it was gonna get though because I havent done anything regarding to sports in the last 3 years. I ended my running session after about 15 minutes because I had to catch my breath again. 

Today I can hardly walk because of the muscular pain in my legs. I'm not complaining about it though because it's good to have something to do in the outside air and get my mind off of poker for at least a few minutes a day. My health is going to get a lot better as well and after a few running sessions my muscles will get used to it.

I got another book recommended by my coahc called Peak Performance Poker, which I will order as soon as I get to Malta, otherwise it will be delivered at my old address so that won't be any good. My coach told me it was a great add-on for The Poker Mindset so I'm quite curious about the book.

Regarding tiltcontrol I'm working in the right direction. I downloaded a bunch of relaxation music, like ocean waves, rainforest rain, all kind of animal sound and rain-and thunderstorms sounds. I also got a collection of Asian relax music, which is often used in yoga exercises. To give some idea about it:

Maybe it's a bit weird, but I find it helps me a lot to see the game in a better perspective and to get my tilt under control.

Running way above average ROI atm so proof that it works for me has been shown :)

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