dinsdag 21 december 2010

Final thoughts for 2010, goals for 2011

The last 2010 post is here! It's not going to be a very positive one since i'm having the worst month ever but w/e, I'll make the best of it, probably will feel a lot better after typing down my goals for the next year.

I've been losing a bunch of money this month which is for me personally pretty sick to end the year like this. I'm down over $2K for the month so I have a lot of making up to do.
Quadchrazs and I finished the volumebet today and I came up short 300 games or so. I wasn't able to play during the weekend plus my ISP had problems in the area here so I couldn't play for 6 hours today because of disconnection problems.

So basically the only thing that could make me happy today was my girlfriend. Off course, Murphy's Law applies here and after the regular chitchat we had a big fight through msn (yah I know :s) and I got so extremely pissed I broke my flatscreen just out of anger. This is the second screen dying that way for this year, but at least the good thing(?) is that the last time was at the beginning of this year. I don't get mad quite easily but when I am it's party time. And the funny thing is that it's my own fault anyway. So a pissed girlfriend, major tilted so not able to play decent poker for the day and a broken screen. This def is the worst day of the year.Well, a good excuse to get the latest 24 inch monitor again, my very own christmas present.  At least now I know what to buy myself. I've spend a shitload of money on gifts but I didn't get myself anything. Maybe a new desk isn't a bad idea either now that I think about it. Oh well....

Let's just stop the rant here and talk some goals for 2011 because I need to de-tilt again.
I was at first thinking to go for SNE but that's just way too much time consuming for me. I've spent the last year playing poker and not doing enough about my social life so thats def one of the goals I have for the next year.

List of goals for 2011:

get 500K VPP
get $100K in profit
study more (prob one of my most important goals since I feel I'm stuck a lot of the time)
join a gym and actually go there :D
have a decent sleeping habit
get a decent diet (not to lose weight, but to actually gain it, I'm way to skinny)
plan better (I'm paying someone to do that for me the first few months of the year)
quit smoking (I really have to, but have to find some willpower during the year to actually do it)

I guess that's it for now, it's a lot to work on. A few things will come through the year, others I know I have to do right from the start otherwise it'll just fade away.

I know someone who started a kind of mental coaching program which I might join if that goes through. Details about that one will follow.

That's it for now, thanks for reading and I wish everyone the best of luck in the new year and happy holidays!!


zondag 5 december 2010

Finished the challenge

I won the challenge!!! It was prettyu sick to finish friday night at a total profit of $995, having 5 bucks short lol.

I started 4 games today to make the bet, technically I already won because I was over 1K on friday night, but I dropped a few bucks to get under the 1K mark again.

Final graph including today's results. Total profit $1017

The next challenge will be to make the 200K VPP milestone before the end of the year, I have to make 35K-ish to get the bonus. For the 35K VPP I'll get 100Kish FPP as well, giving me an extra $1500 bonus, so the total amount will be around 5K. Pretty sick to miss out on that right at the end of the year.

I will startplaying 16s again starting from next week, will pound a decent amount of volume to get the bonus.

Still thinking about my goals for the new year, will update once I figure them all out.

That's it for now, obv my shortest post ever :P

thnx for reading, Tune

vrijdag 3 december 2010

Challenge update

Well I haven't been playing as much as I wanted, resulting in less profit off course. As of now I'm up somewhere around $500, so half way there. During the weekend I'm able to get in some more games and because of the higher fish ratio in the games I can make some more profits as well.

Sharkscope updates for the past 2 days:

Day 3:

Day 4:

I'm still a little doubtfull about adding the 12 45s as well, since I've been swinging in these like a madman in the past. If I can continue running at this ROI in 3s (losing in 6s for the moment) then I will probably make it even if I play 3s alone. 

Piratos send me the photos he made in Malta, Gozo and Comino. I'll upload them to an online photobook/facebook w/e when I have more time, probably next week.

My coach reasons14 has a friend who is going to Africa to help the people there. He started some sort of blog benefit which you can read here. I don't know yet if I'll make a personal donation, it depends on my december winnings I guess :)

Final update on the challenge will be on monday!

Thnx for reading

woensdag 1 december 2010

Back from Malta, started a new challenge

Malta was quite exciting, I had a great time toghether with Piratos. We enjoyed the weather, did a lot of sightseeing and off course played the pokerz.
The first few days I had a major upswing playing live cashgames, but unfortunately I lost a lot as well during the last few days on the island. Since I don't have a lot of live experience, I just took a break and played a little bit online, did some shopping and explored the island.

I went to a few real estate agents to have them find me an apartment in Malta, so I told them exactly what I was looking for, what my budget was and when I wanted to move. I also told them when I was leaving again so they could show me some apartments before I went back home. 2 days before I was leaving I got a call from one of the agents, asking me what I was looking for. Off course my first reaction was "WTF"?? I told the agent exactly what I wanted, some employee wrote it all down but now they're asking me what I'm looking for??
Telling this to the agent she replied; just look at our website, send me the reference numbers of the apartments that you like so we can take a look and see what's available. I told her that was exactly what I wanted the company to do for me so now I have so little time left I have to pass on looking for some living space for now. I'm gonna go back in january again and I'll make sure I have a huge list with references I can look at. This is the last time ever I'll rely on somebody else or the work they have to do. When I do it myself at least I know it will be done!

A completely other thing, I have had some discussions in the past with a friend of mine, who doesn't play a lot of online poker, just some friendly low stakes games with friends, who said it wasn't possible to make a decent amount of money in a short period of time if you deposit a small amount online. I said this was possible, referring to guys like Boku. His standard answer was; yeah but he's a very good player, players like you and me can't do that. So I decided to make a bet again:

If I start with $100 I can make $1k in 1 week. If I go bust I loose the bet off course. He laughed, said he'd give me 2 to 1 that I can't do it. I don't think I've ever said "ok, I'll do it" that fast in my life.

I was figuring out what would be the easiest money, the $1 45 mans seemed pretty ok for that. Made a game plan to play 45s for this week to see where it would bring me. the 45s are a liitle bit easier to multitable as well and could give me a higher roi than 9 or 18 mans. And the variance in these low stakes games isn't very high as well.

I'll be updating daily from now so you guys can follow my progress also.

First day of the challenge, on monday. Where I haven't played a bunch of games :D

I ran extremely hot in $1, but couldn't win in $3 unfortuately.

Day 2:

So day 2 went a lot better and i played a lot more games. I'm up to $250 now so I'll probably will mix in some $6.50s as well to see how they go. 

Thnx for reading and GL to everyone